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Top 15 Strategies to Improve Shopify Conversion Rate Optimization in 2024

Published by
Sushree Sangeeta Behera
February 4, 2024

A Shopify stores has an average of 1.5% in conversion rate, and merely 20% of the most successful Shopify stores have an average conversion rate over 3.3%. This means that for every 100 visitors on a Shopify store hardly 2 of them turn or convert into customers for an average store. 

How can you increase your Shopify stores' conversion rate? How can each visitor be turned into a paying customer? Though getting a 100% conversion rate may seems impossible, but businesses can try to at least raise their rate. 

The main tactics employed by major players in the market to increase their Shopify conversion rate in 2024 will be covered in this blog post on conversion rate optimisation techniques. Let's explore!

What Is Conversion Rate in Shopify? 

Let's start from scratch by defining "conversion rate in Shopify." When a visitor completes the targeted action and becomes a customer, that is known as a "conversion." The desired action that the customer is expected to do can range from making a product purchase to committing to a subscription, or anything the brands wants.

When we refer "Conversion rate" it describes the proportion of website visitors that become customers, or completed a desired action. Additionally, the percentage of visits to a Shopify store that become customers is now known as the "conversion rate in Shopify."

Gaining traffic and visitors on a Shopify store is pretty easy. The difficult part is in catching the attention of those visitors and convincing them to be customers. 

A high conversion rate indicates that your products and store is liked by visitors and addresses their pain points which is why they are taking the desired action.Conversely, a low conversion rate suggests that customers aren't very impacted by the Shopify store's goods and services. For Shopify e-commerce stores, the average conversion rate is between 2.5% and 3%.

What Is Conversion Rate in Shopify_shopify conversion rate optimization
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Factors Affecting Shopify Conversion Rate

Various factors can influence the conversion rate on a Shopify store. Here are some key elements that can impact the conversion rate:

1. Website Design and User Experience

If the website is confusing or difficult to navigate, potential customers may leave without making a purchase. It becomes necessary to build a well-designed and user-friendly website; it will enhance trust and encourage visitors to explore further.

2. Page Loading Speed

A website with slow page loading times can lead to frustration and abandonment, negatively impacting conversion rates. Websites which offer fast-loading pages potentially improve user experience and satisfaction.

Page Loading Speed_shopify conversion rate optimization

3. Product Presentation

Poorly presented products may fail to attract or convince potential buyers. Presentation is directly connected with customer trust and reliability. A clear, high-quality image and compelling product descriptions can influence buying decisions.

4. Checkout Process

A complicated or lengthy checkout process may lead to cart abandonment. It is necessary for the website to build a streamlined and easy-to-understand checkout; it can promise to reduce friction.

5. Shipping and Return Policies

Customers are concerned about the return policies and hidden charges. Hidden fees or unclear policies may deter potential customers from completing a purchase. Here, e-commerce sites should take the responsibility to present transparent and favourable policies to build trust.

6. Security and Trust

Lack of trust can prevent visitors from sharing sensitive information or making a purchase. Security is the most concerning factor when customers are making any transaction. Here, trust badges and secure payment options instil confidence in customers.

7. Pricing and Discounts

The business needs to note that competitive pricing and attractive discounts can drive significant sales. Unreasonably high prices or misleading discounts can discourage potential customers.

Pricing and Discounts_ shopify conversion rate

8. Customer Support

Bad customer service can lead to negative reviews and fewer conversions. The company ought to make an effort to concentrate more on offering prompt and effective customer service. The whole buying experience is enhanced by responsive and professional Shopify customer support.

How to Calculate Shopify Conversion Rate? 

As a Shopify store owner or manager, you must be aware of how to calculate Shopify conversion rate. There's a simple formula to calculate this key metric: 

Conversion rate = (Total number of conversions / Total number of visitors)*100


The “Total number of conversions” refers to the number of visitors on the website who took the desired action. Moreover, the “Total number of conversions” refers to the number of people who visited your Shopify store, viewed your products or simply landed on the homepage.  

Let's understand this better with an example. Let's say during a particular period, around 100 people visited your Shopify store of which 7 of them subscribed to a newsletter or made a purchase. 

In this case, the “Total number of visitors” rounds up to 100, the “Total number of conversions” is 7. Following the formula, the conversion rate of the Shopify store would be 

Conversion Rate = (7 / 100) * 100 = 7%

What Is Shopify Conversion Rate Optimization? Why Is It Important?   

In Shopify Conversion Rate Optimization the effort is to improve the Shopify store’s various aspects to boost the percentage of visitors that take a desired action. Optimization of a Shopify store covers the improving UI /UX design, site performance and much more. According to reports published by Mike Gualtieri, a positive change in the UI/UX can boost the conversation rate by 200-400%. 

Now, why is Shopify conversion rate optimization important? Firstly, CRO targets in improving the user experience by streamlining the buying process. Consequently, it will reduce friction, and ensure a seamless journey from browsing to checkout.

The optimisation plays a significant role in reducing abandonment and increases Return on Investment (ROI). By optimising the Shopify store’s site for conversions, store owners maximise the value of each visitor, translating into higher sales and revenue. 

Moreover, CRO provides valuable insights into customer behaviour. Store owners can better fulfil the demands of their customers by customising their offers and marketing campaigns through the analysis of user interactions and preferences.

The benefits extend beyond immediate gains; Shopify conversion optimization offers long-term advantages. Continual testing and optimization mean staying ahead of market trends, adapting to changing customer behaviours and maintaining a competitive edge.

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Top 15 Strategies to Improve Shopify Conversion Rate Optimization in 2024   

Below listed are the top 15 strategies to improve Shopify conversion rate optimization in 2024.

1. Streamline User Interaction and Experience

The user experience a business offers to a customer is their main USP. It's the deciding factor in whether the customer makes repeat purchases or not for the customer. 

When a customer first lands on the website or Shopify store, it's the homepage which greets him. It's the first thing the customer notices and interacts with. Customers can judge the entire store by spending just 50 milliseconds on the homepage.

Here are some best practices for crafting a homepage that keeps driving customers and sales. 

  • Keep it simple, clean and visually appealing. Don't have tons of information or images on the homepage.
  • The featured image of the business, along with its message and a clear call-to-action (CTA), must be clearly visible and highlighted on the homepage. 
  • If the business doesn't have a brand image, images of featured, best-selling or upcoming new-launching products can also be used. 

2. Implement Smart Search 

Customers don't have an entire day to spend on finding the perfect product. Furthermore, around 68% of customers will prefer abandoning a website with poor search features and experience.

This is why businesses must focus on simplifying the product search process for their customers. With this being said, focus on improving the SEO of the product page and catalogue. 

Another way of making your products reach customers is integrating a search bar or intelligent search on the main menu of the website. Ensure this search feature is visible to the audience and doesn't get lost amongst other tabs or options. These search tabs act like salesmen in an offline store, guiding the customers to the product they're looking for.

These advanced search features use advanced machine learning to understand a user's query with even a few initials of the keyword. They list a set of predictive results as a drop-down box from where the customer can choose the product they're looking for. Then, they direct the customer to the product they're looking for. 

In this way, neither a newbie nor your existing customers need to spend time on searching for the best product in the pool of products in the Shopify store. 

Implement Smart Search_shopify conversion optimization

3. Efficient Category Organisation  

To simplify customer navigation, Shopify stores must organise and categorise their products into various categories. This helps the customer look for their desired product easily. 

For example, let's say the Shopify store “Fitnesszone” deals with all the products related to fitness. This includes fitness equipment, apparel, footwear, supplements etc. In this case, the store owner can categorise the products. This way, a customer looking for fitness apparel doesn't end up searching than in the midst of the vast number of products. 

Furthermore, the product categories must be obvious, reflecting the products organised under them. Go for four to six categories at maximum. If you have a huge number of products to be categorised, you may consider having the categories wide, thus creating sub-categories for further classification.

Efficient Category Organisation_shopify conversion optimization

4. Craft Clear and Concise Product Descriptions 

Product photos are merely visually striking components. Customers learn what the product is and how it addresses their issues from the product description. Owners and administrators of Shopify stores must therefore concentrate on creating a brief, clear product description that enumerates the salient features of the item and outlines its advantages for the customer.

The following are some guidelines for creating the most captivating product description possible:

  • Keep it short, simple, persuasive and concise. Don't use complex terms.
  • Focus on the product’s USPs (unique selling points). 
  • Avoid using the manufacturer's description directly. Customise it to make it SEO and user-friendly. 
  • Brief bullet points should be used to emphasise the important details. Avoid writing product descriptions in a paragraph. This will help the customers to scan through the description swiftly and quickly.
  • Rather than just mentioning the features of the product, write on how that feature solves a particular problem for the customer. 

5. Use High-Quality and Appealing Images  

In online Ecommerce platforms like Shopify, customers can't see or touch the product physically as they do in an offline store. Thus, the product catalogue is the sole source of information related to the product for the customer. It's the deciding factor for about 75% of customers on if they should buy the product. 

Focus on enhancing your product image. Make sure that the images are clicked in a clear background with good lighting and at the right angles. Besides angles, also consider some close-up shots to highlight the intricate detailing (if any) of the product.

Businesses must go for professional photography to ensure that the images are clear and of high quality and resolution. Incorporate the “Zoom in and Zoom out” feature to capture the attention of the customers. 

Remember, appealing to the visual senses of the audience is one of the key retention marketing strategies. Moreover, high-quality images also increase customer engagement and search engine visibility. 

6. Highlight Product Feedback and Testimonials 

About 92% of online shoppers rely on the reviews and testimonials of a product before making a purchase. People trust online reviews like their friend's recommendations. Thus, Shopify store owners must focus on featuring their product reviews and best testimonials in an eye-catching way so as to earn the visitor's attention and trust.

Businesses may highlight the product reviews on the product page just after the “Buy Now / Add to Cart” section. They may also display the customer’s rating just below the product image. Furthermore, these reviews may also be highlighted in the social media platforms and email campaigns of the particular brand or online store. 

The reviews must not be just textual. Including photos and videos in customer reviews demonstrating the product's usability will act as social proof. 

Moving on to testimonials, Shopify stores may consider adding them on the homepage of the store to draw the visitor's attention. Many businesses prefer mentioning the logos of their top and well-known companies (who have been their customers). This is a great way to lure customers into trying the product as their favourite company prefers it. 

7. Provide Free Trials   

Providing free trials captivates potential customers. Furthermore, it also establishes a bridge of trust, allowing them to experience the value of your products firsthand. This risk-free experience often serves as the tipping point for undecided shoppers, transforming casual browsers into committed buyers. 

8. Emphasise on Call-to-Action

Make sure your call-to-action (CTA) buttons are positioned, readable, and visually appealing. Talk in terms that encourage customers to act right away, such as "Shop Now" or "Get Started." Employ contrasting colours to make CTAs stand out and ensure they are easily accessible on every page. 

According to Copyblogger, calls-to-action presented as buttons have the potential to boost click-through rates. They observed a 45% rise in the number of clicks when utilising button-shaped CTAs.

9. Develop a Relatable Demo

Create engaging product demonstrations that resonate with your target audience. Use videos, images, or interactive content to showcase your products in real-world scenarios. Demonstration videos of a product have the potential to boost conversion rates by as much as 85%. 

Potential customers can visualise the benefits and functionality of your products, increasing the likelihood of conversion. It will help them to understand how your product or service effectively addresses their issues or fulfils their requirements. 

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10. Personalize Product Recommendations

Personalised product recommendations can directly influence the conversation rate of an online store. If a website offers personalised products, nearly 45% of customers are more inclined to make a buy, according to Invesp. Customised product suggestions can be offered by firms by utilising client data and behaviour. 

Utilise conversational chatbots, algorithms and machine learning to understand customer preferences and display relevant items on product pages or through targeted email campaigns. 

SalesForce conducted research which indicated that users who interacted with customised product recommendations were 4.5 times more likely to add products to their shopping cart. Additionaly almost 4.5 times of these visitors are more likely to complete their transaction.

11. Pre-fill Customers’ Details

Streamline the checkout process by pre-filling customer details whenever possible. Use cookies to remember past customer information, reducing friction during the checkout process. Simplifying the input required for transactions can lead to a smoother and faster purchasing experience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

12. Work on Website Loading Speed

Make sure that your website loads as quickly as possible to keep visitors from leaving because of poor performance. Compress images, minify code, and leverage browser caching to improve overall loading times. 

The most favourable e-commerce conversion rates are observed when a website loads within 1 to 2 seconds. When the website loads in under a second, the average Ecommerce conversion rate is 3.05 percent. A website that loads quickly improves user experience, boosts search engine rankings, and may draw in more visitors.

13. Ensure Mobile Compatibility

The mobile-user is increasing rapidly as a result many businesses are optimising their content for mobile. As of 2024, the world smartphone user count stands at 6.93 billion. This statistical data claims that almost 85.68% of the world's population is using a smartphone. 

Globally, the typical individual dedicates approximately 2 hours and 51 minutes to viewing computer screens and around 3 hours and 46 minutes to engaging with their mobile devices. Focusing on mobile phone users holds significant promise, allowing businesses to access a broader audience.

Make sure your website runs quickly, is optimised for mobile devices, and provides a smooth online shopping experience. Mobile compatibility is essential for user experience and influences search engine rankings.

Ensure Mobile Compatibility_shopify conversion optimization

14. Build a Detailed Contact Page

Enhance trust and transparency by providing a detailed contact page. Include a variety of contact options such as email, phone numbers, and a contact form. Display your business address and operating hours if applicable. This helps customers feel more secure and provides them with avenues to reach out for support or inquiries.

15. Employ CRM Software

To monitor and handle client contacts, use client Relationship Management (CRM) software. Understanding customer behavior, preferences, and history can be facilitated by a robust CRM system. Utilize this data to generate customized marketing efforts, enhance the purchasing experience, and forge closer bonds with your clients. 


Conversion rate is a crucial metric for the Ecommerce industry, especially Shopify stores. While Shopify conversion optimization might sound difficult, with the right strategies and a strong and efficient team in place, it's easy to catch the customer’s attention and build their trust. Besides these strategies, it's important to customise your own strategies by analysing your customers' behaviour and traffic. Remember, it's not an overnight process but a gradual process involving small changes taken every day to see huge conversion rate numbers in the long run. 

If you're looking forward to improving your Shopify conversion rate optimization using conversational AI, we suggest you check out App0. App0 is here to help you out. It is a next-gen communication platform powered by machine learning (ML) & large language models (LLM) that allows you to embed communication features directly into your product with simple no-code integrations that don’t require additional developer bandwidth.

Here's why leading E-commerce giants trust App0 when it comes to improving their Shopify conversion optimization. With the Text-to-Shop feature, reordering has never been easier for your customers. Your customers can initiate conversations, discover new products, reorder their favourites, and make payments – all through the convenience of text messaging. By learning each customer's purchase behaviour and preferences, App0 can provide personalised recommendations to your customers. 

Moreover, it also has a chat-driven Seamless Checkout feature, which facilitates checkout for customers without having them exit the conversation thread. Getting started is a breeze; connect your data for tailored AI training. Let App0 transform your business by boosting your Shopify conversion rate optimization—request a demo now and witness the impact firsthand!

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