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10 Best Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Templates (+Examples) in Ecommerce to Improve Customer Conversions [2024]

Published by
Sushree Sangeeta Behera
February 10, 2024

Around 69% of online shoppers leave their cart without completing the purchase. Cart abandonment is a real big problem for most businesses, including Ecommerce. If businesses can recover at least 5% of these abandoned carts, then their revenue will skyrocket. 

One of the key strategies for recovering abandoned carts is via email. Abandoned cart recovery emails can effectively recover lost opportunities, re-engage customers, and enhance overall conversion rates. 

But what are abandoned cart recovery emails? Are there some abandoned cart recovery templates which Ecommerce businesses must follow? Let's explore!

What are Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails? 

Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails automated messages triggered when a user abandons their cart without completing a purchase. It's a customer-centric email marketing strategy that not only rekindles interest in abandoned items but also nudges customers toward finalising their purchases.

With an impressive 41.18% open rate, significantly surpassing the average marketing email's 21%, these messages play a pivotal role in reviving lost sales. The key lies in their timely intervention, reaching out to potential buyers who navigated away without sealing the deal.

Beyond the simple reminder, abandoned cart recovery templates feature an extra layer of persuasion. Savvy Ecommerce businesses utilise incentives like exclusive coupons, enticing discount codes, or the allure of free shipping to sweeten the deal. This rekindles interest in the abandoned items and nudges customers toward finalising their purchases.

Now, why is abandoned cart recovery important in the Ecommerce industry? Imagine a customer on the brink of purchasing, momentarily distracted or unsure. Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails step in, not as intrusive reminders, but as personalised invitations back into the virtual store. They transform missed opportunities into regained revenue, making them an indispensable tool for any Ecommerce business aiming to maximise conversions and customer retention.

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Elements of an Abandoned Cart Recovery Email  

Abandoned cart recovery emails serve as a digital bridge in Ecommerce, reconnecting with potential customers who left their shopping carts behind. Here's a breakdown of the essential components that elevate Ecommerce abandoned cart recovery templates from mere reminders to powerful conversion tools.

1. Creative Subject Line

The first impression matters; a well-crafted subject line is the gateway to capturing attention. Employ creativity to entice recipients, sparking curiosity about the contents within.

2. Branding

Reinforce your brand identity. Ensure the email reflects your company's colours, logo, and overall aesthetic, fostering brand recall and trust.

3. Personalisation

Address customers by their name, offering a personalised touch. Reference the abandoned items specifically, demonstrating that the email is tailored to their browsing history.

4. Products in the Cart

Display a clear and visually appealing snapshot of the items left behind. Images, descriptions, and prices should be presented concisely to jog the memory and rekindle interest.

5. Incentives

Sweeten the deal by incorporating incentives. Whether it's a discount code, a special offer, or free shipping, entice customers to revisit their abandoned carts.

6. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Streamline the path to purchase with a prominent and straightforward CTA button. Use compelling language that nudges recipients towards completing their transaction.

7. Reviews or Social Proof

Instil confidence by featuring positive reviews or social proof. Highlighting satisfied customers can reassure hesitant shoppers, adding credibility to your products and services.

8. Sense of Urgency

Introduce an element of urgency, emphasising that time is of the essence. Limited-time offers or low-stock notifications create a motivation for swift action.

Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Templates and Examples_app0 CTA

10 Best Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Templates in Ecommerce

Below listed are the 10 best-abandoned cart recovery templates which Ecommerce businesses must use.

1. “We Miss You” Reminder Template 

The “We Miss You” reminder template gently reminds users about the items they left behind, emphasising the connection between the brand and the shopper. The key elements of this cart recovery email template include a friendly tone, a subtle reminder of the abandoned items, and an exclusive incentive to sweeten the deal.

It begins with a warm greeting, expressing genuine concern for the incomplete purchase. Moving ahead, it reiterates the value of the items left behind and the seamless shopping experience awaiting them. Including subtle incentives or personalised recommendations reignites their interest. Furthermore, a visually appealing layout with clear call-to-action buttons ensures a user-friendly experience. 

2. “Oops! You Left Behind Something in Your Cart” Reminder Template 

“Oops! You Left Behind Something in Your Cart” Reminder Template _cart recovery email template

 The "Oops! You Left Behind Something in Your Cart" template aims to re-engage Ecommerce customers by emphasising the value of their choices and fostering a connection between the brand and the consumer.

The content of this cart recovery email template should express gratitude for the customer's interest, remind them about the items in their cart, and perhaps highlight any unique features or benefits of those products. Additionally, including a clear call-to-action, such as a direct link to the abandoned cart or a customer support contact, ensures a seamless and hassle-free return to the checkout process. 

3. Incentives and Discounts Template 

Incentives and Discounts Template_cart recovery email template

The "Incentives and Discounts" template offers exclusive incentives or discounts, which proves to be a powerful motivator for customers to complete their purchases. Within this cart recovery email template, Ecommerce businesses have the opportunity to showcase generosity while fostering customer loyalty. 

A well-tailored incentive can sway indecisive customers and transform abandoned carts into completed transactions. Whether it's a percentage off, a buy-one-get-one deal, or a unique discount code, this personalised approach demonstrates the commitment to customer satisfaction. Careful wording and an appealing design are crucial to striking the right chord, ensuring the recipient feels both valued and enticed to revisit their cart.

4. Limited Time Deal Reminder Template 

Limited Time Deal Reminder Template_cart recovery email template

Crafted with a sense of urgency, this cart recovery email template strategically notifies customers about exclusive offers expiring soon. The email succinctly communicates the time-sensitive nature of the deal, compelling customers to revisit their abandoned carts promptly.

This cart recovery email template taps into the psychology of scarcity, driving customers to act swiftly. Ecommerce businesses using this template must include clear details about the discount or promotion and a prominent call-to-action. This reminder is designed to evoke a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), motivating customers to complete their purchase before the opportunity slips away. 

5. Free Shipping Reminder Template 

Free Shipping Reminder Template_cart recovery email template

The “Free Shipping Reminder Template” subtly highlights the cost-saving benefit of free shipping, thus re-engaging potential buyers who may have paused their purchase due to additional costs. It taps into the psychology of consumers who often seek added value in their purchases. 

6. Social Proof Reminder Template 

The “Social Proof Reminder Template” not only reminds customers of their abandoned items but also reinforces the product's value through the shared experiences of others. This cart recovery email template highlights the key testimonials, reviews, or user-generated content, reinforcing trust and legitimacy in the Ecommerce customer's minds. By showcasing real-life examples of satisfied customers, this template leaves behind a subtle, clear message: Others found value in these products; perhaps you will, too. 

7. Product Recommendation Template 

Product Recommendation Template_ cart recovery email template

This cart recovery email template is more than just a reminder; it's a virtual personal shopper, guiding customers back to their abandoned carts with tailored suggestions. By subtly reminding the shopper of their initial interest and intelligently recommending complementary items, this template adds a personalised touch to the recovery process.

8. New Price Reminder Template 

The “New Price Reminder” template ensures that customers stay informed about changes that might influence their purchasing decisions. Its simplicity and directness make it an effective choice for Ecommerce businesses seeking to recover lost sales. By subtly prompting customers to revisit their abandoned carts, it emphasises the value proposition of the updated cost, reinforcing the benefits of completing the purchase. 

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9. Support and Help Center Template 

This abandoned cart recovery email template goes beyond a mere product reminder. It empathises with the customer's journey and directs them to a comprehensive help centre. This email assures customers that assistance is readily available, addressing potential concerns that may have led to abandonment.

Begin by acknowledging their cart abandonment, expressing understanding, and directing them to your comprehensive help centre. Provide links to FAQs, guides, or contact options, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction. This cart recovery email template not only rekindles interest but also reinforces trust and reliability. Customise it with a personal touch, signifying a genuine eagerness to assist.

10. Product Quiz Template 

Product Quiz Template _ cart recovery email

With a personalised touch, this cart recovery email template engages customers by presenting them with a tailored quiz about their preferences and needs. Incorporating questions related to their abandoned items rekindles their interest and provides valuable insights for future marketing strategies. 

Crafting a series of carefully designed questions, the Product Quiz Template subtly guides customers back to their abandoned cart items, showcasing the brand's commitment to understanding individual preferences. The interactive nature of a quiz makes the email memorable, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

10 Best Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Examples in Ecommerce 

The brand needs to employ a distinctive email strategy to captivate its customer base, with creative copywriting emerging as a crucial element. Let's explore some examples of how various brands have enhanced their abandoned cart recovery emails to achieve success.

1. Whiskey Loot

Whiskey Loot_ cart recovery email examples

Whiskey Loot begins with a creative subject line that smartly aligns with their product, “Your cart is sobering up.” The mail starts with a question and addresses plenty of questions that might be the reason a customer left the cart abandoned. It is a sharp representation of copywriting skills that differentiates Whiskey Loot from other emails the customer might have received. 

The brand logo at the top is a smart move from a branding perspective. The best part about the mail is its CTA. The CTA is not forcing the customer to buy the product, but rather presents it in a pleasant way, “Treat Yourself”. The brand showed a very interesting take in this mail by keeping their demand highly personalised. There is no upselling or crossing; the mail is holding one single image- the only product the client left in the cart! 

2. Away

Away_ cart recovery email examples

The mail by Away clearly represents that the brand has cracked the segmentation of customers well. They not only send mails to the customer who left the cart abandoned, but make it more personalised that why he left. “Back in stock in your favourite colours”, this line shows the clarity the mail has towards its goal. 

The mail contains all the efforts to make the customer aware of the feasibility of this purchase. The brand graphically mentioned they are offering “free returns” and “free shipping above $100.” All the links in the mail lead the customer to the page the brand wants them to reach- the checkout page. 

3. Dyson

Dyson_ cart recovery email examples

Dyson touched the soft corner of a customer and presented as if they were helping the customer. The has phases like, ‘we saved the contents, ’ which portray the kind and helpful nature of the brand. It is a psychological approach to dealing with customers. 

The email strategically positions the call-to-action (CTA) twice, catering to mobile users. Those scrolling through may spot the “Continue Shopping” button, one at the top and another at the bottom if they scroll down. It ensures optimal visibility for this target audience.

4. Google

Google_cart recovery email examples

The sense of urgency and the tension of missing out on things always work well in abandoned cart recovery. Google did the same by adding phrases like “ your cart is going fast” and “Going, going (almost) gone.” Almost 30-40% of the visual area of the may convey the same idea. 

Google added a section for contact, “Have questions?” and “Request a call”. Along with contact support, Google keeps the entire mail well-organised, minimalistic and very subtle. This organisation of mail is increasing trustability and credibility.

5. Overtone

Overtone_cart recovery email examples

Overtone used a creative line to appeal to the customer to empty the cart, “Get us out of your bag and into your hair.” This entire message is complemented with high-quality images that align with the brand. The mail contains a coupon code that pushes the customer to grab a discount deal. 

Although FAQ is pre-written content, the brand cleverly presents this section as if they are responding to our queries in real-time. Instead of “FAQ”, they wrote it in a more engaging approach: “We are here to help!” 

The brand adopts a unique approach to getting the customer’s data. They entice them with offers such as complimentary shipping, discounts via SMS, and rewards in the form of loyalty club points.

6. Pacsun

Pacsun_cart recovery email examples

Pacsun used a huge logo on the top, which is a great take for branding. The division of text and image section of the mail is well executed. Mail has an entire right section for the image, which makes it easier to view all the information at once. 

They used the word “Oops!” which is an urgency-creating term. They even mentioned their items sell out quickly; it works in a similar way to create urgency. The best part about the mail is the placement of multiple contact information; it is a reliable factor and builds trust on behalf of the customer. 

7. Nomad

Nomad_cart recovery email examples

A unique presentation is shown by the brand Nomad, where they put questions addressing the possible reasons the customer needs to produce. Then, the brand mentioned two powerful points to comfort their customers about their return policies and two-year warranty period. 

The colour combination used in the mail reflects the brand’s identity- Black and white. They have a clear CTA, “Checkout”, with a high-quality image of the product. 

8. Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club_cart recovery email examples

The abandoned cart mail of Dollar Shave Club has a huge tagline at the top: “We guarantee you’ll love us. It is a clever example of copywriting to comfort your customer first. They put a unique call-to-action, “Try The Club”, here to add some essence of their brand in order to create a brand ecosystem in the mail. 

“If you’re not 100% happy, we’ll refund,” this phrase is comforting for the customers. It will clear up all the fear factors and push them to make a transaction. 

9. Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty_cart recovery email examples

The brand somehow identified the biggest issue or query their customers usually have. So they begin the mail with the clear statement, “Free U. S. shipping on any order” Fenty Beauty addresses more such customer fear by mentioning free and guaranteed return for up to 60 days. 

The mail contains an exact image of the product the customer left in his cart. This personalisation pushes the customer to think more about their decision. Even the mail contains 2nd person language, which makes it personalised. 

10. Sunday Somewhere

Sunday Somewhere_cart recovery email examples

The mail by Sunday Somewhere has storytelling elements, which works well to make the customer read the entire mail. It is a clean and minimalistic mail with a white background. The mail promised a handful of benefits for purchasing the product, including free shipping and 30-day return and replacement policies. 

The best part of the mail is the addition of almost 10 images featuring models showcasing how the product will appear when worn. Customers are naturally drawn to visual demonstrations, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions.


Abandoned cart recovery email is one of the key abandoned cart recovery strategies which focuses on bringing the customer back to complete the purchase. The above-mentioned cart recovery email templates and examples will help Ecommerce businesses craft some of the best and most compelling abandoned cart recovery emails. From personalised incentives to compelling call-to-actions, these templates serve as beacons, guiding businesses toward higher conversion rates.

If you're looking forward to boosting your abandoned cart recovery stats using conversational AI, we suggest you check out App0. App0 is here to help you out. It is a next-gen communication platform powered by machine learning (ML) & large language models (LLM) that allows you to embed communication features directly into your product with simple no-code integrations that don’t require additional developer bandwidth.

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