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Top 10 Benefits of Using Both Email and SMS Marketing for Businesses in 2024

Published by
Sriranjani Aravindan
October 8, 2023

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According to "Email Marketing ROI: 42x Return on Investment is Real!", a study conducted by Campaign Monitor, email marketing boasts an impressive average return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 benefits of using both email and SMS marketing to fuel your business growth. In today's tech-savvy world, merging these two powerful tools can help you expand your reach, amplify customer engagement, and achieve unprecedented sales results.

Let's begin by delving into the realm of email marketing as a strategy. For years, businesses have relied on email marketing to connect with their target audience. By sending personalized messages directly to customers' inboxes, you can create captivating content, nurture leads, and foster long-lasting relationships. We will discuss the key elements that make email marketing so effective and uncover its full potential across various scenarios.

Next, we will unveil the potential of SMS marketing as a game-changing strategy. With its unmatched immediacy and impressive open rates, Short Message Service (SMS) marketing allows you to connect directly with your customers through text messages. We will explore the unique advantages of SMS marketing and identify situations where it excels, empowering you to drive customer engagement, enhance brand awareness, and generate swift conversions.

By combining the strengths of both text and email marketing, your business can harness the power of two highly effective strategies to maximize your marketing efforts. We will guide you through the key variables that differentiate these approaches, enabling you to determine when to implement each tactic for optimal results. Prepare to uncover the immense benefits of integrating email and SMS marketing into your business strategy and unlock new avenues for success in 2024 and beyond.

What Is Email Marketing Strategy?

Email plays a crucial role in digital marketing, complementing other effective strategies such as advertising and SEO. While investing in SEO and advertising can yield great results, reaching your audience directly in their inbox is equally important. In fact, statistics show that email generates 50 per cent more sales compared to any other lead generation method. Considering the prevalence of smartphones, laptops, and other devices with internet access, it's essential to utilize digital messaging to engage with potential clients.

Email has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, colleagues, and businesses. It's no surprise that various companies, including computer stores, restaurants, and clothing retailers, utilize email campaigns to share information and engage with their audience. What makes email marketing truly versatile is its effectiveness in achieving multiple goals. Whether you want to promote new products, extend a warm welcome to new clients, provide updates on your offerings, or seek customer feedback, a well-executed email campaign can serve all these purposes and more.

What Is SMS Marketing Strategy?

Email and SMS Marketing: What is SMS marketing

SMS messages are known for their brevity and directness. When it comes to crafting SMS communications, organizations must prioritize concise and focused messages, avoiding unnecessary fluff or irrelevant content. This streamlined approach ensures that the message is clear and impactful, capturing the attention of recipients effectively.

Considering the widespread usage of mobile phones in daily life, it is crucial to recognize that consumers are more likely to have their phones within reach at all times compared to other technological devices. This makes SMS marketing an ideal strategy for sending short messages, advertisements, or promotions directly to individuals. By leveraging the convenience and accessibility of mobile devices, businesses can effectively engage with their target audience and achieve desired outcomes.

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Comparing The Key Variables of Email and SMS Marketing

rin email and SMS marketing - Comparison

1. Customization

When it comes to customization, email marketing offers more flexibility compared to SMS. With email, you can incorporate multimedia elements like videos, hyperlinks, and attachments, allowing for a richer and more engaging experience. You can also personalize emails with brand-specific colors, GIFs, videos, and images, resulting in increased customer engagement and higher sales.

2. Open Rate

SMS takes the lead in terms of open rates. While emails typically have an open rate of around 20%, SMS enjoys an average open rate of 98%. Moreover, SMS messages tend to be read and responded to within 90 seconds, while emails may take up to 90 minutes. The immediate attention-grabbing nature of SMS marketing ensures that your message captures the audience's focus even in today's highly distracted environment.

3. Click-through Rate

Both SMS and email marketing can achieve high click-through rates if executed effectively. The key lies in crafting compelling calls to action (CTAs) that align with your message. Emails allow for more elaborate CTAs that can motivate recipients to click through and explore further. On the other hand, due to the character limit of 160 characters for text messages, crafting concise and impactful CTAs is critical for SMS marketing success.

4. Deliverability

While email marketing may have a larger customer base, there is a higher risk of emails ending up in the spam folder, leading to a damaged reputation and loss of trust. Approximately one in six emails are diverted to spam folders. In contrast, SMS marketing targets a more engaged customer base, increasing the likelihood of reaching your intended audience. On average, millennials receive 67 SMS messages per day, while office workers receive over 120 emails, making SMS messages more likely to be noticed.

5. Cost

Sending text messages is generally more expensive than email, regardless of your location. Email marketing is highly cost-effective, particularly for delivering non-time-sensitive messages to a large audience. This makes email marketing a popular choice among digital marketing freelancers and agencies.

6. Internet Requirement

Unlike emails, which require an internet connection, SMS can be delivered and interacted with even without internet access. This makes SMS marketing especially valuable for businesses in the retail, food, and tourism industries. For instance, if you notify recipients about a post-work meal offer at your restaurant, they can act on it while on the move.

7. Responsive Layout

While text messages do not require a responsive layout, emails demand careful consideration. Since not all recipients will open emails using the same device, creating responsive layouts ensures consistent and seamless display across various devices such as laptops, PCs, smartphones, and iPods. This ensures that the content, including images, text, and graphics, remains visually appealing and easily accessible regardless of the device used.

10 Benefits Of Using Both Email and SMS Marketing for Businesses in 2024

Here are the top 10 benefits of using both Email and SMS Marketing for businesses in 2024.

Email And SMS: How Can You Make The Most Of Them Together?

1. Both Email and SMS Marketing Operate Solely on the Basis of Permission.

When customers willingly provide their contact information through online sign-up forms for newsletters or opt to receive SMS notifications, they are granting consent for you to engage with them through these channels. The resulting contact list from these sign-ups tends to be of higher quality compared to data gathered from social media or search engine cohort builders.

Rather than targeting an audience with irrelevant ads, email marketing, and SMS marketing offer a personalized approach to connecting with the right people. By opting in, these individuals have already shown interest in your brand, making them ideal prospects for your marketing messages.

Unlike social media and search ads that often target unfamiliar audiences, email marketing and SMS marketing guarantee that your recipients have basic knowledge of your brand. This provides you with more space to build your brand identity and tell your story. Even concise messages, when executed effectively, have the potential to enhance consumer sentiment and bolster your company's reputation among its followers.

2. Sharing Customer Data and Growing Your Subscriber List Can Be Seamlessly Integrated Between Text and Email Marketing.

As you nurture and expand your email marketing program, you have the valuable opportunity to test and analyze which content resonates most with your audience, driving engagement and conversions. This continuous learning process allows you to gain valuable insights into subscriber behaviors and interests, which can greatly enhance the success of both your email and SMS campaigns.

By leveraging the subscriber list and the insights gathered from your email campaigns, you can kickstart your SMS marketing initiatives with a solid foundation. Unlike starting from scratch, this advantage allows you to fine-tune your strategies, saving valuable time and effort. To facilitate this process, you can launch an email blast to your subscribers, requesting their phone numbers and consent, which complements the launch of your text message campaigns.

Furthermore, the success of your SMS marketing efforts can also have a positive impact on your future email marketing endeavors. By offering enticing incentives for SMS sign-ups, you can extend your reach beyond your existing base of email subscribers. This cross-pollination of marketing channels enables you to expand your audience and optimize your overall marketing strategy for long-term success.

3. Expand Your Customer Reach Through Diverse Messaging Channels.

Not all customers appreciate receiving sales emails in their inbox, while others may find text messages from a store they made a single purchase from intrusive. To ensure customer satisfaction, it's crucial to monitor open and response rates and segment your audience based on their messaging preferences.

During the process of building your subscriber list, customers may not explicitly state their preferred channel. They might subscribe to one or the other simply because it was the first option presented to them. By offering both email and SMS marketing and analyzing their interactions, you can gauge their communication preferences through testing.

While it may not be necessary to remove someone from your list if they don't respond to any of your messages, you can categorize customers based on their open rates. Those who frequently click links in your text messages but seldom open their emails should re

ceive more frequent texts and fewer emails. On the other hand, those who quickly scan your texts but tend to respond to calls-to-action in emails should receive more of the latter and only receive urgent or vital texts. Even if a customer decides to unsubscribe from one of your marketing channels, you can still maintain contact with them through their preferred method.

4. Utilize SMS for Prompt Responses.

SMS messages are perfect for driving immediate interactions, making them an excellent addition to time-sensitive or critical email campaigns. While more people are accessing emails on their mobile phones each year, it doesn't guarantee that they will see or respond to your message right away. This might not be a concern for long-term sales campaigns, but if you're promoting a flash sale or capitalizing on a sudden opportunity, waiting for immediate responses through email alone might not yield the desired results.

SMS messaging is tailored for quick and concise communications, making it unsuitable for conveying lengthy or complex messages. For instance, when launching a new product with specific specifications and pricing details, SMS may fall short. This is where combining email and SMS marketing duo becomes the ideal solution. On average, text messages receive responses within 90 seconds. Therefore, when seeking instant results, integrating email marketing with SMS proves more effective than relying solely on email messages.

Text messages allow for more characters than an email subject line, and recipients instinctively tend to read them as long as scrolling isn't necessary. By keeping your SMS messages within the 160-character limit, you can ensure optimal readability. Additionally, email and text messages can be interconnected in either direction based on your goals. For instance, if your company has an exciting announcement scheduled for next week, you can send a text message previewing what prospects can expect in an upcoming email.

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5. Enhancing the Customer Experience Is Possible by Selecting the Appropriate Communication Medium.

Emails are ideal for conveying lengthy messages and newsletters, providing a suitable platform for non-urgent information or content that customers may want to save for future reference. Consider utilizing email for:

  • Transactional messages
  • Feedback requests
  • Stories about your team, products, or brand
  • Nurturing leads
  • Re-engagement campaigns

On the other hand, text messages excel in delivering concise and time-sensitive information that necessitates immediate customer interaction, such as:

  • Reminders
  • Security alerts
  • Confirmations
  • Shipping or delivery notifications

By aligning the content with the appropriate medium, you ensure that customers don't miss crucial details. They will appreciate receiving actionable information via text and will value the opportunity to engage with long-form content at their convenience within emails.

6. Enhance Your Key Metrics

Combining text and email marketing campaigns allows you to improve on the most crucial metrics that drive your business forward. This advantage stems from the availability of robust analytics and reports provided by service providers who offer both types of marketing.

In addition to comprehensive analytics, both SMS and email marketing can be utilized to stimulate survey responses and gather reviews. By leveraging the strengths of each method, you can strategically enhance your metrics based on specific needs. For instance, if you aim for a higher customer response rate and interactive communication, opting for SMS is ideal. On the other hand, if your goal is to generate a large number of views for a specific image or video, email marketing is more suitable.

When it comes to time-sensitive messages, marketing texts are perfect, while lengthy messages can be effectively delivered through marketing emails. This approach allows you to include detailed information without the need for message segmentation. Additionally, by using text and email marketing together, you can leverage one channel to drive subscribers for the other. For example, use text messaging to encourage people to become email subscribers and vice versa. This approach serves as an effective means to obtain more leads or gather additional contact information from existing leads.

7. Cross-Channel Marketing Offers a Valuable Opportunity to Leverage Both Email and SMS Marketing in Tandem.

By utilizing multiple channels, you can increase brand exposure and guide potential customers further along the sales funnel. For instance, you can use SMS to provide a preview or announcement, generating anticipation before delivering detailed information through email. This strategic approach allows for additional touchpoints with customers, leading to improved brand recognition and stronger customer relationships.

Moreover, employing SMS messages to create excitement and anticipation can significantly impact your email open rates. Capitalizing on the high open rates of text messages, you can effectively boost the engagement of your email campaigns. This tactic proves particularly advantageous for blog updates, monthly newsletters, and time-sensitive promotions like flash sales.

To fully harness the benefits of cross-channel marketing, it is recommended to integrate your Email and SMS marketing efforts with other channels, such as social media, SEO, and paid ads. By creating a cohesive and synchronized marketing strategy across various platforms, you can amplify your brand's visibility and reach a wider audience, ultimately driving better results for your business.

8. Decreased Cart Abandonment Rate

While emails have long been used to combat cart abandonment, incorporating text messages into this strategy can yield even more favorable outcomes. Traditional cart abandonment campaigns often rely solely on emails sent a few hours, days, and a week after customers abandon their carts on the website. However, a significant challenge with cart abandonment emails is their low open rate. By integrating SMS marketing into your approach, you can leverage its higher open rate to effectively convey your message and combat cart abandonment more effectively.

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9. Ensure Compliance With Anti-spam Laws 

To maintain adherence to anti-spam laws, it is crucial for businesses utilizing both email and SMS marketing to ensure compliance. Both marketing channels operate on permission-based principles, requiring businesses to follow specific regulations. In the United States, for example, the CAN-SPAM Act governs the rules for sending emails and text messages to customers. Opting for a trustworthy third-party service for text and email marketing guarantees that your business complies with these anti-spam laws, safeguarding your organization from potential substantial penalties.

10. Using Email Marketing to Collect SMS Opt-ins

Leveraging the power of email marketing can be a valuable strategy for expanding your SMS subscriber base. One effective method is using your existing email list to collect more opt-ins for newer communication channels, such as text messaging. This approach allows you to tap into your established email audience and seamlessly encourage them to subscribe to your SMS updates as well, ultimately broadening your reach and engagement opportunities.

By incorporating opt-in requests within your email campaigns, you can invite your subscribers to join your SMS marketing list. This strategy enables you to capitalize on the trust and familiarity already established with your email recipients, making it easier to entice them to opt-in for text messaging. Not only does this method expand your subscriber base, but it also allows you to diversify your communication channels and connect with your audience through multiple touchpoints.

The integration of text and email marketing presents a symbiotic relationship, where email serves as a stepping stone to grow your SMS opt-ins. By leveraging the strength of your email list and strategically incorporating opt-in requests, you can maximize your marketing efforts and unlock new avenues for reaching and engaging with your audience.


In conclusion, incorporating both email and SMS marketing into your business strategy in 2024 can effectively engage your target audience and yield better results. Email marketing's advantage lies in delivering personalized content, ideal for nurturing relationships and in-depth communication. On the other hand, SMS marketing allows instant and direct reach, making it perfect for time-sensitive promotions and urgent updates.

The primary benefit of using both channels is the increased reach and customer engagement. Leveraging email campaigns and text-message automation maximizes your chances of effectively reaching and engaging your audience. This combination enables a cohesive brand experience as you tailor content to suit each channel's unique characteristics.

Additionally, the ability to target specific situations is another advantage. Email marketing excels in delivering long-form content, such as product information and newsletters, nurturing leads and building long-term relationships. SMS marketing shines in time-sensitive scenarios, capturing attention and driving instant actions with concise and immediate messages, ideal for flash sales, limited-time offers, and event reminders.

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Sriranjani Aravindan

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