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Ecommerce Customer Service Guide: 10 Best Practices for Providing the Best Customer Support for Ecommerce in 2024

Published by
Sushree Sangeeta Behera
February 23, 2024

According to Bain & Company, improving customer service can help businesses increase their revenue by about 4% to 8%. Customers are the life and blood of the Ecommerce industry. With that being said, Ecommerce stores and businesses must consider customer service as their first priority. 

But what is Ecommerce customer service? Why is customer support for Ecommerce important? What are some of the best practices for Ecommerce customer service? In this blog post, let's explore the answers to all these questions related to customer support for Ecommerce. 

What is Ecommerce Customer Service? 

ecommerce customer service_What is Ecommerce Customer Service

Ecommerce customer service, in simple terms, refers to the strategy or process of providing customer service to the customers in online stores. Ecommerce, or e-commerce customer service, is provided to customers through phone calls, online live chats, etc. Businesses lately have been focusing greatly on improving their Ecommerce support to build a loyal customer base, overtake their competitors, and increase conversion rates in e-commerce

One of Microsoft's reports states that around 95 percent of customers believe that customer support for Ecommerce is a major asset for brand loyalty. An example of Ecommerce customer service can be when Amazon's customer executive attempts to solve the queries of a customer regarding an online order. The customer either reaches the customer care staff via call, live chat or email.

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Why is Customer Service Important in Ecommerce?

The widely expanding world of Ecommerce is dependent on increasing sales but lacks human interaction. An estimation says that online sales are going to breach the 7-trillion-dollar mark by the end of 2025. Although online shopping is gaining popularity, customers have thousands of queries in their minds while shopping for any product online.

While offline stores have salesmen to attend to customers’ queries, Ecommerce stores must have a well organized and comprehensive customer service to do the same. Ecommerce customer service is undoubtedly very important not just for the customers but for the businesses as well. Let's learn about its further importance in the online market. 

1. Builds Brand Identity 

A company’s Ecommerce support is one of the deciding factors in its reputation. Customers will prefer a brand with active availability and better customer service over the ones with poor customer service. 

According to Hubspot research, about 93% of customers will be loyal to a business with excellent customer service. An excellent Ecommerce customer service not only leaves a positive impression in the minds of existing customers but also builds the brand identity. 

Furthermore, existing customers who are satisfied with the service and customer support are more likely to recommend the brand to their close ones. Thus, with better Ecommerce support, shinier becomes the brand logo. 

2. Establishes a Loyal Customer Base

Customers prefer online retailers who provide instant solutions to their queries and problems. If a company fails to provide its customers with adequate Ecommerce support, the customers are likely to refrain themselves from buying any further. 

A Zendesk report says that satisfaction in customer service is a deciding factor while staying loyal to a brand for three out of five customers. Hence, proper customer service is the best way to retain existing customers thus increasing customer retention and repeat purchases.

3. It's Cost-effective

A company will always find it easier and less expensive to retain the old customers than attract the new ones. In fact, a 5 percent expansion of customer maintenance leads to a 25 percent increase in the profit margin. Thus, good Ecommerce customer service is the key to customer retention and increased customer (LTV) lifetime value

Types of Ecommerce Customer Service Channels

Ecommerce Customer Service-Ecommerce Customer Service channels

How can Ecommerce brands provide customer service? Below listed are the top Ecommerce customer service channels that businesses use to connect with their customer base. 

1. Phone Support 

This traditional Ecommerce customer service channel is the most popular and preferred one. It offers quick, direct, two-way communication between the customer and the human customer support executive. This channel is useful for complex and urgent queries that customers find difficult to convey via chat or email. 

Furthermore, the genuine and personalized communication formed during the interaction also proves pivotal in building rapport with the customers. Despite the quick and efficient support it provides to the customers, it's time-consuming and demands much human labour, making it costly for the business.

2. Email  

Email is another popular and versatile Ecommerce customer service channel which involves the customer mentioning their query in the mail along with the related details and attachments. The customer support then reaches out to the customer with the solution to the matter. This channel proves useful for addressing non-urgent queries, thus providing time for the custom support to get back to the customer with the best possible solution. 

Being a written mode of communication, it helps businesses and customers maintain a record of their queries. However, despite its flexibility, it is not very efficient at providing real-time support like phone service. Ecommerce businesses can overcome this limitation by having a well-developed team and the best technological support. 

3. Helpdesk 

Helpdesk is a crucial customer service that involves a ticketing system where customers can submit their queries, and support agents can efficiently track, prioritize, and respond to these tickets. It provides a centralized platform for support agents to manage and handle customer interactions timely thus streamlining communication. 

This organized approach aids in managing high volumes of customer queries, enhancing overall efficiency. It often integrates eCommerce automation to categorize and route tickets based on their nature, directing them to the appropriate support team or individual. 

Moreover, helpdesk systems often include features such as knowledge bases, FAQs, and self-help resources. Customers can use these resources to solve common problems on their own, saving them from having to contact support staff directly. This facilitates quick and easy access to information, which speeds up issue resolution and increases customer satisfaction.

4. Social Media Platforms 

Social media platforms offer real-time interaction for addressing inquiries, concerns, and feedback. Customers often turn to social media to voice their opinions or seek assistance.

Social media's interactive features make it easier to communicate directly with customers and give encounters a more individualised feel. Through comments, direct messages, or public posts, customers can express their experiences, giving businesses an opportunity to showcase responsiveness and transparency. Additionally, social media platforms enable Ecommerce brands to showcase products, promotions, and updates, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

5. Autoresponders 

Autoresponders in ecommerce customer service refer to automated email responses triggered by specific actions or inquiries. These pre-programmed messages streamline communication, ensuring customers receive immediate acknowledgment even outside regular business hours. 

They are particularly useful for confirming order placements, updating order statuses, or addressing frequently asked questions. By automating routine interactions, businesses can enhance efficiency and maintain consistent communication, ultimately improving the overall customer experience.

6. Chatbots and Live Chat   

Chatbots and live chat are essential components of modern ecommerce customer service. Chatbots are automated systems that engage with customers in real-time, providing instant responses to queries and assistance with common issues. They utilize predefined algorithms and natural language processing to understand and respond to customer inquiries. 

Live chat, on the other hand, involves real human agents interacting with customers in real-time through a chat interface. The combination ensures 24/7 availability, improves response times, and contributes to a positive customer experience. Additionally, it allows businesses to gather valuable insights into customer needs and concerns, facilitating continuous improvement in service delivery.

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7. Self Service  

Self-service in ecommerce customer service refers to empowering customers to find solutions independently. This channel includes FAQs, knowledge bases, and online resources that allow users to troubleshoot common issues without direct assistance.

Through self-service portals, customers can access information at their convenience, making it a cost-effective and efficient option for both businesses and consumers. 

10 Best Practices for Providing the Best Ecommerce Customer Service in 2024

Here's a list of 10 best practices for providing the best Ecommerce customer service in 2024.

1. Offer Multichannel Customer Support 

Offer Multichannel Customer Support_ecommerce customer service

The key to providing unparalleled Ecommerce customer service is offering multichannel support. Diversifying communication channels, including email, phone, and social media, ensures that customers can reach your business through their preferred means. 

Furthermore, there's no one size fits all. Multichannel customer support ensures that customers can reach out to you anytime, anywhere, according to their preferred mode of communication. This strategy shows a dedication to reaching clients where they are while also improving accessibility.

Research by Forrester says that about 31% of customers prefer contacting a business via Twitter, while 45% prefer online chat service and 33% prefer via Facebook.

2. Focus on Consistent Customer Support  

A business must be prompt and consistent with regard to its customer support. Consistency in Ecommerce customer support ensures that the business is always available for customers' queries and issues, even post-purchase in ecommerce

This consistency involves standardizing communication, adhering to response time standards, and utilizing integrated CRM tools to ensure a uniform customer experience. Consistency in Ecommerce customer service provides a seamless experience, thus fostering customer loyalty and positive brand perception. 

Standardising communication involves implementing a clear and concise set of guidelines for customer service representatives to ensure that every interaction aligns with your brand's tone and values. Moreover, consistency extends to response times. Timely and reliable responses set the foundation for a positive customer experience. 

Utilizing integrated customer relationship management (CRM) tools becomes crucial in maintaining consistency across various touchpoints. This empowers the support team with a comprehensive view of customer interactions, enabling them to provide informed and cohesive assistance. 

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3. Optimize Response Time 

Customers don't have the entire day to sit and wait for their favorite Ecommerce business to solve their issue. This is why a quick response time is essential. A short response time ensures that businesses resolve their customers' queries swiftly and quickly. 

Efficient response time enhances customer satisfaction and plays a pivotal role in retaining customers and fostering loyalty. To achieve this, businesses should invest in advanced ticketing systems and automation tools that streamline query management. These tools help prioritize and route customer inquiries to the right department, ensuring a quicker resolution.

Additionally, implementing clear communication protocols and setting realistic response time expectations can manage customer expectations effectively. Providing estimated response times in automated acknowledgment emails can reassure customers that their concerns are being addressed promptly.

4. Implement Live Chat for Real-time Support   

Implement Live Chat for Real-time Support_customer support for ecommerce

\Implementing live chat services is a strategic move that bridges the gap between instant customer needs and swift resolution. This direct communication channel enables businesses to address queries promptly, fostering customer satisfaction.

Live chat offers a personalized touch, allowing customers to engage in meaningful conversations with support representatives. This type of e-commerce personalization not only enhances the overall customer experience but also builds trust and loyalty. By providing real-time assistance, businesses showcase their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Moreover, live chat functionality facilitates the resolution of potential issues before they escalate, contributing to a seamless shopping journey. It's a powerful tool for guiding customers through the purchasing process, offering product recommendations, and addressing concerns on the spot.

5. Offer Personalized Support

Personalized support creates a unique and positive experience for each customer. Make use of consumer data to comprehend their behaviour, past purchases, and preferences. Tailor the communications accordingly, whether through personalized emails, product recommendations, or targeted promotions. 

As per information provided by Zendesk, a noteworthy 54% of customers anticipate a personalized touch in all their experiences. Incorporating subtle gestures such as including stickers or personalized notes within your packaging and sending customized emails can significantly enhance the overall customer support ecommerce. 

Humanize your brand by using customer names and addressing their specific needs. Customisation creates a connection with clients, increasing their likelihood of coming back for more purchases and making them feel valued.

6. Have Self-Service Support Options

Have Self-Service Support Option_customer support for ecommerce

Implementing self-service support options empowers customers to find solutions to their problems independently. A majority of consumers, accounting for 78%, anticipate a brand or product to possess an online self-service portal rather than relying on conventional customer service support. 

It is imperative to establish a robust knowledge base encompassing frequently encountered customer queries, detailed troubleshooting procedures, and comprehensive product information, product guides, and video tutorials. 

Additionally, fostering a community-oriented platform where customers can freely exchange experiences, pose inquiries, and offer solutions to fellow users is pivotal for enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. By offering prompt assistance, this not only increases customer happiness but also lightens the strain for your support staff, freeing them up to handle more difficult problems.

7. Build an Informative FAQ Section

A well-organized and detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section can serve as a valuable resource for customers seeking quick answers. Anticipate common queries and provide clear, concise responses. Regularly update the FAQ section to address emerging concerns. 

Research indicates that a significant majority, specifically 66% of customers, initiate their customer service journey by utilizing self-service options, such as consulting an FAQ page, prior to actively seeking assistance from a customer service agent.

Additionally, consider incorporating a search function to help customers quickly locate relevant information. This proactive approach contributes to a positive customer experience and minimizes the need for direct support interactions.

8. Leverage Help Desk Software for Seamless Support

Invest in reliable helpdesk software to streamline customer support processes. These tools enable efficient ticket management, automated responses, and tracking of customer inquiries. 

Help desk software can also facilitate collaboration among support team members, ensuring that each query is addressed promptly and consistently. Features such as chat support, email integration, and knowledge base management contribute to a cohesive and responsive customer service experience.

9. Leverage Customer Reviews

Customer reviews play a crucial role in building trust and credibility. Invite clients to write product reviews after they've made a purchase. Good evaluations have the power to influence future customers by serving as social evidence.  

On the other hand, negative reviews provide an opportunity to address and resolve issues, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. 

Customer reviews carry 12 times more credibility than other marketing materials, underscoring the influential impact of social proof. Regularly monitor and respond to customer reviews, thanking customers for positive feedback and addressing concerns in a professional manner. This transparency and responsiveness contribute to a positive customer experience.

10. Implement Automation and AI

Ecommerce Customer Service-Implement Automation and AI

Utilize automation and AI technologies to streamline and enhance the customer service process. According to a report published by Oracle, around 80% of customers express a preference for self-service solutions such as chatbots when seeking prompt responses to their inquiries. 

Use chatbots to assist clients with the buying process, give tailored recommendations, and instantly respond to frequently asked questions. Automation can also be applied to order tracking, sending order confirmations, and handling routine customer inquiries. 

AI-driven analytics enables proactive problem-solving, helps spot patterns and trends in consumer behaviour, and enhances overall quality of service. By integrating technology, you improve efficiency and create a seamless and responsive customer service experience.


As Ecommerce is a customer-centric industry, customer support is of utmost industry. Ecommerce customer service extends beyond answering basic queries and assisting customers in product-related issues. It's a comprehensive term that includes assisting the customer and understanding their needs and preferences in each step of their journey on the Ecommerce platform. 

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