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Customer Service/ Customer Experience

10 Best Ways to Optimize Customer Service in Lending in 2024

Published by
Yugansh Arora
October 8, 2023

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Customer service is essential for any business, but it is especially important for lenders. Customers want to work with lenders who can provide them with guidance and support throughout the loan process. By providing excellent customer service, lenders can build trust with customers and increase customer satisfaction.

According to a recent report by CustomerGauge, 89% of customers say that customer service is an important factor when choosing a lender. The report also found that customers are more likely to recommend a lender to their friends and family if they have had a positive customer service experience.

In this article, we will thoroughly investigate the fundamental aspects of optimizing customer service in lending, and uncover 10 powerful ways to elevate your approach in 2024. We'll delve into the pivotal role customer service plays in building enduring relationships with borrowers and propelling the growth of lending institutions.

What Is Customer Service in Lending?

Customer service in lending refers to the comprehensive range of support, interactions, and assistance provided to borrowers throughout their lending journey. It is the essence of fostering positive relationships, trust, and satisfaction between lending institutions and their customers. In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, exceptional customer service is no longer an option—it's a fundamental necessity. It encompasses not only timely and accurate responses to inquiries but also proactive guidance, transparent communication, and personalized assistance tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of borrowers.

Moreover, customer service in lending extends beyond individual transactions – it focuses on building long-term relationships based on trust. By actively listening to feedback, and proactively identifying opportunities for improvement, lenders can create a culture of continuous improvement that delights borrowers at every touchpoint. After all, satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal advocates who refer others to your business.

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5 Benefits of Customer Service in Lending

Customer service is essential for any business, but it is especially important in the lending industry. When people are borrowing money, they need to be able to trust the lender and feel confident that they will be treated fairly and with respect. Good customer service can help to build trust and loyalty with customers, which can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

According to a recent survey by Salesforce, 67% of customers say that good customer service is very important to them when deciding which lender to choose. The survey also found that 73% of customers are willing to pay more for a product or service from a company that provides excellent customer service.

1. Increases Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 

Customers who receive good customer service are more likely to be satisfied with the lender and more likely to return for future business. A study by Deloitte found that 73% of consumers believe that banks should focus on improving customer experience as a top priority. A good customer service in lending becomes equally important to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Reduces Customer Churn

Customers who have a bad customer experience are more likely to switch to a different lender. A study by Zendesk found that 89% of customers have switched to a competitor after a bad customer experience.

3. Improves Brand Reputation

Good customer service in lending can help to build a positive brand reputation for the lender. Customers who have a positive experience are more likely to tell their friends and family about the lender, which can lead to new business. A study by Nielsen found that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising.

4. Increases Sales

Customers who receive good customer service are more likely to purchase additional products and services from the lender. Research by McKinsey & Company finds that emotionally engaged customers are typically three times more likely to recommend a product and to purchase it again.

5. Reduces costs

customer support in lending_Reduces costs

Good customer service can help to reduce costs for the lender by reducing the number of customer complaints and inquiries. A study by Forrester found that companies that invest in customer service can reduce their customer acquisition costs by up to 50%.

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Challenges of Customer Service in Lending

custom service in lending_Challenges of Customer Service in Lending

As lending institutions strive to provide exceptional customer service in 2024, they often encounter several challenges along the way, some of which are:

1. Complex Products and Services

According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 63% of consumers believe that financial products and services are too complex to understand. This can make it difficult for customer service representatives to answer customer questions accurately and provide helpful advice.

In 2021, Wells Fargo was fined $250 million by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for misleading customers about mortgage and auto loan products. The CFPB found that Wells Fargo employees had pressured customers into signing up for products and services that they did not need or understand.

2. Highly Regulated Industry

The lending industry is heavily regulated by the government, which can add to the challenges of providing good customer service in lending. Lenders must comply with a variety of complex regulations, which can make it difficult to provide a seamless and efficient customer experience.

In 2022, JPMorgan Chase was fined $1 billion by the Federal Reserve for failing to properly supervise its anti-money laundering controls. The Fed found that JPMorgan Chase had allowed criminals to launder hundreds of millions of dollars through its accounts.

3. High Customer Expectations

Customers in 2024 expect lenders to be responsive to their needs and inquiries, and to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. This can be challenging, especially during times of high volume or when dealing with complex issues.

In 2024, Bank of America faced widespread criticism for its long wait times and poor customer service. Customers complained that it was difficult to get through to customer service representatives and that their issues were not being resolved in a timely manner.

4. Competition From Fintech Companies

Fintech companies are disrupting the lending industry by offering more convenient and streamlined loan origination, application and approval processes. This is putting pressure on traditional lenders to improve their customer service offerings in order to compete.

In 2022, SoFi launched a new feature that allows customers to open a bank account and apply for a loan in a single step. This feature has been popular with customers, who appreciate the convenience and simplicity of the process.

10 Best Ways to Optimize Customer Service in Lending in 2024

The ten most effective strategies, including AI integration in lending, to enhance customer service in lending. These strategies are essential for optimizing customer experiences, leveraging AI capabilities, building trust, and fostering lasting relationships in the dynamic world of lending.

1. Empowering Teams for Exceptional Customer Service Delivery

Empowering customer service teams is essential for delivering exceptional customer service in the lending industry. When employees feel valued, trusted, and supported, they are more likely to go the extra mile for customers. This can lead to a number of benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, reduced customer churn, improved employee retention, and increased sales and revenue. A recent survey by Zendesk found that 75% of customers are more likely to do business with a company that empowers its employees to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. An efficient team can promise powerful customer support in lending industry.

There are a number of ways to empower customer service teams in lending, including:

  • Providing comprehensive training and development
  • Fostering a customer-centric culture
  • Providing autonomy and decision-making authority
  • Recognizing and rewarding exceptional customer service
  • Encouraging open communication and feedback

Capital One has implemented a customer service strategy that is focused on empowerment. The company has given its customer service representatives the authority to make decisions on the spot, and it has provided them with the training and resources they need to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently. As a result of this strategy, Capital One has consistently received high customer satisfaction ratings.

2. Leveraging AI & Technology to Elevate the Customer Experience

Technology can be a powerful tool for elevating the customer experience in the lending industry. By leveraging technology, lenders can make the loan process more efficient, convenient, and personalized for customers. A recent report by McKinsey found that 71% of customers expect to be able to interact with their financial institution through digital channels.

Here are some ways that lenders can use technology to improve the customer experience:

  • Offer online and mobile loan applications: This allows customers to apply for loans from anywhere, at any time.
  • Use data and analytics to pre-approve customers for loans: This can save customers time and hassle by eliminating the need to fill out lengthy applications and provide documentation.
  • Provide real-time loan status updates: This helps customers to stay informed about the progress of their loan application and to budget accordingly.
  • Use electronic signatures and document sharing: This can streamline the loan closing process and make it more convenient for customers.
  • Offer 24/7 customer support in lending through chatbots, virtual assistants, and other channels: This allows customers to get the help they need when they need it.

App0 uses AI to provide borrowers with a full-service messaging to start, navigate, and complete loan applications on customer's preferred channel, i.e., text messaging. With AI-concierge, every customer gets realtime and personalized support at any time of their journey, starting from loan application intake to credit decisioning to approval to loan disbursement.

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3. Cultivating Trust and Building Strong Customer Relationships in Lending

Trust is essential for building strong customer relationships in lending. When customers trust their lenders, they are more likely to do business with them and to recommend them to others. A report by Bain & Company found that customers who trust their banks are more likely to be satisfied with their banking experience and to recommend their bank to others. The report also found that trust is a key driver of customer loyalty. When a well-crafted strategic plan incorporates robust customer support in lending, it undoubtedly manifests in strengthened trust and customer relationships.

USAA has built a culture of trust and customer service. The company has a number of policies and practices in place to ensure that its customers feel valued and respected. For example, USAA has a 24/7 customer service hotline, a no-hassle satisfaction guarantee, a commitment to fair and transparent pricing, and a focus on educating customers about the financial products and services that they need.

4. Evolving into a Reliable Advisor for Lending Customers

Borrowers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding, and the lending landscape is becoming increasingly complex. In order to meet the needs of borrowers in this evolving environment, lenders need to evolve into trusted advisors. This means more than just providing customers with loan products. It means understanding their needs, educating them about their options, and helping them to make the best financial decisions for their individual circumstances. A recent report by Accenture found that 73% of borrowers want their lender to be a trusted advisor. The report also found that borrowers are more likely to do business with lenders who provide them with education and resources, and who are transparent and honest.

5. Implementing Practical Solutions for Enhanced Customer Service

Effective customer service in lending is an essential need. When customers feel valued and respected, they are more likely to do business with a lender and to recommend them to others. There are a number of practical solutions that lenders can implement to enhance their customer service. Some of these solutions include:

  • Make it easy for customers to get in touch
  • Be responsive to customer inquiries.
  • Personalize the customer experience
  • Use technology to improve customer service
  • Empower employees to deliver exceptional customer service

Zions Bank has implemented a number of practical solutions to enhance its customer service. For example, Zions Bank offers a variety of ways for customers to get in touch, including by phone, email, chat, and social media. The bank is also committed to being responsive to customer inquiries and has a customer service guarantee that states that customer inquiries will be responded to within one business day.

custom service in lending_Zions Bank

6. Tailoring Services by Segmentation for a Personalized Touch

In the lending industry, it is important to tailor services to different customer segments in order to provide a personalized touch. This means understanding the needs of different customer groups and offering them the products and services that are most relevant to them. Offering personalisation is a crucial customer support in lending.

There are a number of ways to segment customers in the lending industry. Some common segmentation variables include:

  • Credit history
  • Income
  • Debt-to-income ratio
  • Employment status
  • Property type
  • Loan purpose

Wells Fargo is using segmentation and personalization to improve the customer experience. For example, Wells Fargo uses segmentation to personalize its marketing and customer service efforts. The bank may send different marketing materials to customers with different credit scores or to customers with different loan needs. Wells Fargo also uses segmentation to personalize its customer service interactions. For example, Wells Fargo may assign different customer service representatives to customers with different needs.

custom service in lending_Wells Fargo

7. Investing in Ongoing Learning and Skill Development

Investing in ongoing learning and skill development for employees is essential for any business, but it is especially important in the lending industry, where the regulatory environment is constantly changing and new technologies are emerging all the time. A report by Deloitte found that 87% of CEOs believe that investing in learning and development is essential for the future of their business. 

JPMorgan Chase is investing in learning and development to support its employees' growth and development. The company offers a variety of programs and resources to help employees learn new skills, advance their careers, and prepare for future roles.

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8. Fostering a Collaborative, Customer-Centric Organizational Culture

Fostering a collaborative, customer-centric organizational culture is essential for success in the lending industry. When employees feel valued and respected, and when they are aligned around the goal of providing excellent customer service, they are more likely to go the extra mile for customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. There are a number of ways to foster a collaborative, customer-centric organizational culture, including:

  • Set clear expectations and goals
  • Promote collaboration and teamwork
  • Encourage communication and feedback
  • Recognize and reward customer-centric behavior

Navy Federal has built a culture of collaboration and customer service. The company has a number of policies and practices in place to ensure that its employees are empowered to make decisions on the spot and to go the extra mile for customers. Navy Federal also encourages its employees to share their ideas and suggestions for improvement.

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9. Enhance Communication Channels

In today's digital world, customers expect to be able to communicate with businesses through a variety of channels. The customer service in lending can be improved by offering a variety of communication channels and making it easy for customers to switch between them. Here are a few tips for enhancing your communication channels:

  • Offer a variety of communication channels. This could include phone, email, live chat, social media, and video chat.
  • Make it easy for customers to switch between channels. Customers should be able to start a conversation on one channel and then switch to another channel without having to start over.
  • Provide consistent service across all channels. Customers should receive the same level of service and support regardless of which communication channel they use.

A recent report by Gartner found that 80% of customers expect to be able to use multiple channels to communicate with businesses. The report also found that customers who use multiple channels to communicate with businesses are more likely to be satisfied with the customer service they receive. Enhancing communication channels will strengthen the customer support in lending.

10. Gauging and Enhancing Customer Satisfaction for Optimal Service Performance

Customer satisfaction is a key metric for measuring the performance of a lending institution. By gauging customer satisfaction and taking steps to enhance it, lenders can improve their overall performance.

There are a number of ways to gauge customer satisfaction, such as surveys and customer feedback. Once customer satisfaction has been gauged, lenders can take steps to enhance it by making it easy for customers to do business with them, being transparent and honest with customers, being responsive to customer needs, personalizing the customer experience, and going the extra mile.

Another way to gauge customer satisfaction is to track customer feedback. Customer feedback can be collected through a variety of channels, such as social media, complaint forms, and customer service interactions. It is important to track customer feedback over time so that you can identify trends and areas for improvement.

Once you have gauged customer satisfaction, you can take steps to enhance it. Here are a few tips:

  • Make it easy for customers to do business with you: This means having a user-friendly website, a responsive customer service team, and a streamlined lending process.
  • Be transparent and honest with customers: Customers appreciate it when lenders are upfront about their fees, terms, and conditions.
  • Be responsive to customer needs: When customers have a question or concern, they want to be able to get a quick and helpful response.
  • Personalize the customer experience: Take the time to get to know your customers and their needs. This will help you to provide them with the best possible service.
  • Go the extra mile: Customers appreciate it when lenders go above and beyond to help them. This could mean offering them financial advice, helping them to troubleshoot problems, or simply being there for them when they need support.


A superior customer service in lending is the linchpin for success in 2024, In the dynamic world of lending. We've explored what it means, its numerous benefits, and the challenges it brings. To thrive, embracing the ten best strategies is crucial—empowering teams, tech integration, and fostering trust. These aren't mere suggestions; they're the path to service excellence. By championing a customer-centric culture and continuous improvement, lending institutions can forge lasting relationships and set new standards in customer satisfaction. The road to optimization is ongoing, promising a future where exceptional service defines lending experiences.

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If you are a financial institution looking to power your customer service, customer onboarding, or underwriting processes with AI, App0 is a solution that you should consider. Request for a demo today.


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Yugansh Arora

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