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Customer Service/ Customer Experience

Conversational Customer Experience: Comprehensive Guide to the Future of Customer Communication in 2024

Published by
Sushree Sangeeta Behera
October 8, 2023

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Nearly 89% of businesses focus on competing based on customer experience. Not just this, customer experience is a significant decision-making factor for about 73% of customers. These statistics reflect how brands and customers value customer experience. 

Imagine bringing conversational AI to improve customer service. AI chatbots and virtual agents available 24/7 will undoubtedly transform customer service. The dynamic customer interaction landscape will shift from traditional human customer experience to conversational customer experience. Human agents would be replaced by robots and virtual agents delivering similar and even better customer service. 

But what is conversational customer experience? How is it going to be the future of customer communication? Let's explore! 

What Is Conversational Customer Experience? 

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As the name suggests, conversational customer experience refers to the customer experience that uses AI (especially conversational AI) to deliver customers a more personalized and human-like experience. Its purpose is to streamline each interaction, from marketing to customer service and every facet in between.

Conversational CX empowers businesses to forge robust connections with their customers by discerning and tending to their needs in real time, thereby elevating overall satisfaction and fostering loyalty. The main aim of conversational customer support is to deliver customer service which is more authentic and context-aware. 

But how does conversational customer experience differ from the traditional ones? Casual Customer Experience employs conversational AI or chatbots harnessing natural language processing and intent comprehension. In contrast, traditional customer experience relies on conventional customer support. This short-term strategy is predominantly concerned with ensuring customer contentment post-purchase and responding to isolated queries.

Moreover, conversational CX introduces an interactive interface guiding users through a sequence of questions and choices, culminating in tailor-made recommendations, offers, and search results. At the same time, traditional methods may involve Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. This lets customers navigate menus by pressing buttons, often featuring limited choices and prolonged cycles. This further escalates customer frustration and proves less cost-effective than the conversational customer experience. 

Key Components of Conversational CX

Conversational CX, or conversational customer experience, is about designing and managing customer interactions through natural, engaging, personalized conversations. To achieve these objectives, conversational CX relies on several key components, including:

  1. Conversational AI: At the crux of conversational CX lies the deployment of conversational AI, a body of artificial intelligence provided with the expertise to understand, process, and respond to human language. This empowers chatbots to engage in conversation with customers more naturally and meaningfully.
  2. Interactive Interface: The bedrock of Conversational CX necessitates an interface that transcends mere functionality—an interactive space wherein customers partake in a two-way conversation with either the chatbot or a customer service representative. 
  3. Continuous Learning: Conversational CX relies on continuous learning and improvement by analyzing customer interactions and feedback. This allows businesses to identify areas for improvement and make changes to their conversational CX strategy accordingly.
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Conversational AI Platform for Customer Experience

Move beyond traditional chatbots for customer engagement. Choose App0 to launch AI agents that guide customers from start to finish via text messaging, to fully execute the tasks autonomously.

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4 Pillars of a Great Conversational Customer Experience in 2024

To build an outstanding conversational customer experience platform, businesses must focus on the key pillars listed below. Through a dedicated focus on these pillars, businesses can sculpt a conversational customer experience platform that aligns with customer expectations and lays the foundation for enduring loyalty.

  1. Holistic Omnichannel Presence: Customer expectations extend to seamless communication across diverse channels, encompassing phone, email, chat, social media, and beyond. Businesses must establish a robust presence on all pertinent channels, ensuring a fluid transition between them without forfeiting contextual continuity.
  2. Comprehensive Customer Insight: Crafting a personalized experience necessitates a profound understanding of the customer's history, preferences, and requirements. This mandates the diligent collection and analysis of data emanating from all touchpoints and channels.
  3. Agent Empowerment: Equipping agents with the requisite tools and information is imperative for delivering swift, accurate, personalized service. This entails furnishing access to customer data, automation tools, and comprehensive training on navigating diverse interaction types.
  4. Empathy in Action: Central to a great conversational customer experience is the practice of empathy—comprehending and acknowledging the customer's emotions and sentiments. Agents should actively listen, underscoring their concern for the customer's apprehensions.

Benefits of Conversational Customer Experience Platforms

Conversational customer experience is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to stay competitive in today's digital age. Here are the benefits of conversational customer experience platforms:

1. Elevated Customer Experience 

Conversational customer experience leaves clients with a more individualized and practical interaction. They can swiftly resolve inquiries and quandaries without enduring prolonged holds or navigating complex phone menus. Forrester spotted that when a customer's complaints are resolved swiftly, they are 2.4 times more likely to stick with the brand. 

2. Increased Customer Participation

Conversational customer experience can amplify customer participation by rendering a more interactive and immersive experience. According to Sinch, customers with favourable experiences are more likely to stay with a company for five years longer than those with poor ones. Customers are more inclined to interact with a brand that offers a Conversational interface, fostering heightened allegiance and recurrent transactions.

3. Non-stop Accessibility

Conversational CX gives customers the gift of round-the-clock availability, affording them assistance whenever an emergency arises. This proves especially advantageous for enterprises operating across diverse time zones or serving global customers.

4. Economical Advantages

Conversational customer experience serves as an economic boon for enterprises by reducing the necessity for human customer service representatives. Conversational AI and analogous conversational interfaces excel at handling a substantial influx of customer inquiries and issues. This liberates human representatives to focus on more intricate responsibilities.

5. Improved Efficiency 

Conversational CX can optimize efficiency by automating routine tasks and procedures. According to the Zendesk CX Trends Report 2023, 72% of consumers desire prompt assistance. Conversational AI can address straightforward inquiries and issues, allowing human representatives to devote their efforts to more intricate undertakings. This aids in hastening response times and diminishing customer wait periods.

6. Increases Sales 

Conversational CX proves instrumental in propelling sales figures by supplying customers with personalized endorsements and propositions. Conversational AI, through perusing customer data, can proffer customized recommendations based on individual preferences and purchase history.

7. Enhanced Security

Conversational customer experience increases security by employing conversational AI for customer authentication. This involves validating customer identity through a series of security queries or soliciting specific data discernible solely to the account possessor. This procedural safeguard ensures that sensitive customer data or actions remain exclusively accessible to duly authorized users. It maintains an elevated echelon of security in customer interactions.

Real-Life Examples and Stories of Conversational Customer Experience

Businesses use conversational customer experiences to create meaningful connections and drive remarkable results. Let's dive into three notable examples of companies that harnessed the power of conversation to transform their customer interactions.

1. Unilever's Memorable WhatsApp Campaign  

In August 2019, Unilever took a bold step in the world of conversational commerce. They strategically placed 1,000 posters across Sao Paulo, each teasing a WhatsApp number. MadameBot, a friendly chatbot, greeted curious consumers who reached out. This digital companion offered clothing care advice and introduced Unilever's latest products using engaging media like audio and memes. 

As a sweet incentive, customers received a 50% discount and free shipping at the end of the chat. The results were staggering—Unilever experienced a whopping 14-fold increase in sales, and their call centre buzzed with praises. The success has them considering adding a WhatsApp number directly to product packaging, proving that conversational campaigns can be game-changers.

2. Bolt's Smooth Ride to Higher Conversions 

Bolt, the ride-hailing giant, recognized the need for a smoother driver registration process. Abandonment rates were high, especially when drivers were asked to upload crucial documents. Traditional re-engagement methods like email and conversational SMS fell short. Bolt turned to automation and adopted a familiar conversational support software

This change paid off big time, with a 40% increase in the conversion rate. Drivers could now register quickly and efficiently using an app they already trusted. Customer support agents had less manual work, and lost leads were effortlessly brought back into the process. Bolt's success story illustrates how conversational tools can streamline operations and boost conversions.

3. UNICEF's Donor-Centric Approach  

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Even global organizations like UNICEF have embraced conversational customer experience. They leveraged it to streamline donor communications and reduce churn. By adopting a unified omnichannel solution, they engaged donors intelligently and data-driven. The outcome was impressive—UNICEF witnessed a 7.8% increase in donor retention, a remarkable 33.3% drop in churn rate, and a 4% conversion rate on cart abandonment flow. This powerful approach demonstrates how conversational CX can create a significant impact, even in the nonprofit sector.

In conclusion, these examples showcase how conversational customer experiences are rewriting the rules of engagement across diverse industries. They're not just conversations; they're transformative journeys that foster connections, drive conversions, and, ultimately, redefine success in the business world.

Use Cases of Conversational Customer Experience 

According to Zendex, 90 per cent of companies, irrespective of their industry, have said customer experience is their top priority. AI is a crucial factor in executing a successful conversational CX. Currently, 77% of companies are utilizing or investigating AI. Businesses, with the help of AI, can display a variety of cases of Conversational CX.

Here are some use cases of Conversational CX: 

  1. IoT: A company specializing in smart home devices can leverage conversational CX to guide customers through the setup and troubleshooting processes. This is achieved with the help of a chatbot that engages in natural language interactions.
  2. Meal delivery subscription: For a meal delivery service, integrating conversational CX means aiding customers in meal selection, order tracking, and feedback provision. All of this is seamlessly managed through a chatbot or messaging app.
  3. Clothing subscription: In the realm of clothing subscriptions, the application of conversational CX becomes instrumental. It facilitates customers in outfit selection, provides styling advice, and handles returns or exchanges, all orchestrated through a chatbot or messaging app.
  4. Conversational commerce: The term conversational commerce encompasses the myriad touchpoints in the customer journey where messaging, chat, and conversational experiences take centre stage. These avenues engage customers in personalized, real-time conversations across various channels. For instance, Instacart employs conversational CX to enable customers to chat with the company's agents, shoppers, and fellow customers, fostering coordination in their grocery orders.
  5. Travel agencies: Travel agencies and airlines can harness the power of conversational AI to offer booking assistance, provide flight updates, and deliver personalized travel recommendations.

Why Is Conversational Customer Experience the Future of Customer Communication?

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AI for Conversational Customer Experience

Conversational CX emerges as a powerful tool for enhancing operational efficiency in the domain of AI in customer service. It achieves this by automating routine tasks, allowing human agents to redirect their focus towards more intricate issues.

One of its key strengths lies in fostering two-way communication, breaking through the constraints of one-way interaction. This enables businesses to establish dynamic interactions with consumers across various channels.

Conversational CX empowers businesses to engage with customers in a more tailored manner. It adapts communication to each customer's specific needs and preferences, adding a layer of individualization to the interaction. Consumers expect special treatment for being loyal customers in 48 per cent of cases.

The impact of Conversational CX extends beyond operational efficiency to customer satisfaction. It is pivotal in significantly elevating customer contentment, fostering brand loyalty, and driving positive word-of-mouth referrals. A positive customer experience becomes a catalyst for repeat business and an increase in customer lifetime value.

Ultimately, Conversational CX is geared towards building enduring relationships with customers. Its seamless, context-aware, and human-like communication across diverse touchpoints—be it phone calls, emails, chatbots, or social media—transforms the communication landscape for businesses, paving the way for enhanced brand image and increased revenue.


In a world where customer relationships define success, mastering Conversational Customer Experience is no longer a choice but a necessity. The impact is profound, from Unilever's sales surge, Bolt's conversion rate leap, and UNICEF's donor retention triumph. 

Big or small businesses can rewrite their narratives by harnessing the art of conversation. In this era of customer-centricity, the guide to Conversational Customer Experience is the roadmap to success, paving the way for engagement, loyalty, and growth in an ever-evolving marketplace.

If you want to build conversational customer experience platforms and skyrocket your business growth, we highly encourage you to explore what App0 can offer. Our cutting-edge AI-driven messaging platform seamlessly synchronizes communication across multiple channels, presenting a game-changing chance to enhance operational efficiency and cultivate meaningful connections. Request a personalized demo with App0 today. Take the first step toward more streamlined workflows and more enriching client interactions.

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App0 offers a flexible no-code/low-code platform to enable enterprises to launch AI agents faster & at scale with no upfront engineering investment. Sign up with App0 for AI-powered customer engagement and enhanced customer experience.

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Conversational Customer Experience: FAQs 


Sushree Sangeeta Behera

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