How it works?

Connect your data to train the AI-powered concierge on your business

Seamless integration with your store and other platforms allows the AI-models to be trained on your business with a few clicks

How it works?

Customers text the personal concierge for all of their requests

Your customers need to only text you for any of their support request or shopping needs. The AI-based concierge handles all the request without any effort from you.

Hey Ayla, I am your personal concierge from Ophelia, I can help you with shopping, managing orders or any questions you have.
Can you correct my shipping address? the street address is 280 California street.
Is this for the order REF86784 placed yesterday?
I updated your address and emailed you the updated receipt.
How it works?

AI-based concierge adapts to your customers’ preferences and behaviors

AI-powered concierge learns the purchase behavior and preferences of your customers to remind them at the right time and recommend the right product to them

Unlock Your Business Potential

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